Mercruiser Engine Control Manual

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  1. Mercruiser Replacement Engines For Sale
  2. Mercruiser Engine Control Manuals

This manual has been written and published by the Servi ce Department of Mercury Mari ne to aid our dealers’ mechanics and company service personnel when servicing the products de scr ibe d he rei n. We res erv e th e rig ht to mak e ch ang es to thi s ma nu al wit ho ut pri or notification. © 2006, Mercury Marine Merc ury, Merc ury Marin e, MerCr uise r, Merc ury MerC ruise r, Merc ury Raci ng, Merc ury Precision Parts, Mercury Propellers, Mariner, Quicksilver, #1 On The Water, Alpha, Bravo, Pro Max, OptiMax, Sport‑Jet, K‑Planes, MerCathode, RideGuide, SmartCraft, Zero Effort, M wit h Wav es log o, Mer cu ry wit h Wa ves log o, and Smart Cra ft log o are all reg ist ere d trad emar ks of Brun swick Corpora tion. Merc ury Prod uct Prot ecti on logo is a regi stere d service mark of Brunswick Corporation.

Mercruiser Replacement Engines For Sale


It is assumed that these personnel are familiar with marine product servicing procedures. Fu rth erm ore, it is ass ume d tha t the y ha ve be en tra ine d in the rec omm end ed se rvi ce procedures of Mercury Marine Power Products, including the use of mechanics’ common hand tools and the special Mercury Marine or recommended tools from other suppliers. We could not possibly know of and advise the marine trade of all conceivable procedures and of the possible hazards and/or results of each method. Therefore, anyone who uses a service procedure and/or tool, which is not recommended by the manufacturer, first must completely satisfy himself that neither his nor the products safety will be endangered. It should be kept in mind, while working on the product, that the electrical and ignition systems are capable of violent and damaging short circuits or severe electrical shocks.

Whe n pe rfo rmi ng an y wo rk whe re ele ctr ica l ter min als cou ld po ssi bly be gro un de d or touched by the mechanic, the battery cables should be disconnected at the battery. An y tim e th e int ak e or exh au st op en ing s are exp os ed du rin g se rvi ce the y sh oul d be covered to protect against accidental entrance of foreign material into the cylinders which could cause extensive internal damage when the engine is started. Du ri ng an y ma in te na nc e pr oc ed ur e, re pl ac em en t fa st en er s mu st ha ve th e sa me measurements and strength as those removed. Numbers on the heads of the metric bolts and on the surfaces of metric nuts indicate their strength. American bolts use radial lines for this purpose, while most American nuts do not have strength markings.

Mercruiser engine control module

Mismatched or inc orr ec t fas ten ers ca n res ult in da mag e or mal fun cti on, or po ssi bly pe rso na l inj ury. Therefore, fasteners removed should be saved for reuse in the same locations whenever possible. Where the fasteners are not satisfactor y for reuse, care should be taken to select a replacement that matches the original. A Mercury Marine Power Product is a combination of many machined, honed, polished, and lapped surfaces with tolerances measured in the ten thousands of an inch/mm.

When an y pro du ct com po ne nt is ser vic ed, car e an d cle an lin ess are imp ort an t. It sho uld be understood that proper cleaning and protection of machined surfaces and friction areas is a pa rt of th e rep air pro ce dur e.

Mercruiser Engine Control Manuals

Th is is con sid ere d sta nd ard sho p pra cti ce ev en if no t specifically stated. Wheneve r components are removed for service, they should be retained in order. At the time of installation, they should be installed in the same locations and with the same mating surfaces as when removed. Personnel should not work on or under an engine that is suspended. Engines should be attached to work stands, or lowered to ground as soon as possible.

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