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. The Papal States, officially the State of the Church (: Stato della Chiesa, Italian pronunciation:;: Status Ecclesiasticus; also Dicio Pontificia), were a series of territories in the under the direct sovereign rule of the, from the 8th century until 1870. They were among the major from roughly the 8th century until the unified the Italian Peninsula by conquest in a campaign virtually concluded in 1861 and definitively in 1870. At their zenith, the Papal States covered most of the modern Italian regions of (which includes ), and, and portions of. These holdings were considered to be a manifestation of the, as opposed to his ecclesiastical primacy.

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By 1861, much of the Papal States' territory had been conquered by the. Only Lazio, including Rome, remained under the Pope's temporal control. In 1870, the Pope lost Lazio and Rome and had no physical territory at all, except the and and related buildings around the of Rome, which the new Italian state did not occupy militarily. The head of the Italian government, at the time the leader, ended the by negotiating the, signed by the two parties in 1929. This recognized the sovereignty of the over a newly created international territorial entity, the State, limited to a token territory. Contents. Name The Papal States were also known as the Papal State (although the plural is usually preferred, the singular is equally correct as the polity was more than a mere ).

The territories were also referred to variously as the State(s) of the Church, the Pontifical States, the Ecclesiastical States, or the Roman States (: Stato Pontificio, also Stato della Chiesa, Stati della Chiesa, Stati Pontifici, and Stato Ecclesiastico;: Status Pontificius, also Dicio Pontificia 'papal rule'). To some extent the name used varied with the preferences and habits of the European languages in which it was expressed. Main articles: and For its first 300 years the was persecuted and unrecognized, unable to hold or transfer property. Early congregations met in rooms set aside for that purpose in the homes of well-to-do individuals, and a number of, known as and located on the outskirts of, were held as property by individuals, rather than by the Church itself. Nonetheless, the properties held nominally or actually by individual members of the Roman churches would usually be considered as a common patrimony handed over successively to the legitimate 'heir' of that property, often its senior, who were, in turn, assistants to the local bishop. This common patrimony attached to the churches at Rome, and thus under its ruling bishop, became quite considerable, including as it did not only houses etc. In Rome or nearby but landed estates, whole or in part, across Italy and beyond.

This system began to change during the reign of the emperor, who made Christianity legal within the Roman Empire, and restoring to it any properties that had been confiscated (in the larger cities of the empire this would have been quite considerable, and the Roman patrimony not least among them). The was the first significant new donation to the Church, most probably a gift from Constantine himself. Other donations followed, primarily in mainland Italy but also in the provinces of the Roman Empire. But the Church held all of these lands as a private landowner, not as a sovereign entity. When in the 5th century the Italian peninsula passed under the control of and, later, the, the Church organization in Italy, with the at its head, submitted of necessity to their sovereign authority while asserting its spiritual primacy over the whole. The seeds of the Papal States as a sovereign political entity were planted in the 6th century. Beginning in 535, the, under emperor, launched a of Italy that took decades and devastated Italy's political and economic structures.

Just as these wars wound down, the entered the peninsula from the north and conquered much of the countryside. By the 7th century, Byzantine authority was largely limited to a diagonal band running roughly from, where the Emperor's representative, or, was located, to Rome and south to Naples (the 'Rome-Ravenna corridor' ), plus coastal enclaves. With effective Byzantine power weighted at the northeast end of this territory, the pope, as the largest landowner and most prestigious figure in Italy, began by default to take on much of the ruling authority that Byzantines were unable to project to the area around the city of Rome.

While the popes remained Byzantine subjects, in practice the, an area roughly equivalent to, became an independent state ruled by the pope. The Church's independence, combined with popular support for the papacy in Italy, enabled various popes to defy the will of the Byzantine emperor; even Emperor during the. Nevertheless, the pope and the exarch still worked together to control the rising power of the Lombards in Italy.

As Byzantine power weakened, though, the papacy took an ever-larger role in defending Rome from the Lombards, usually through. In practice, the papal efforts served to focus Lombard aggrandizement on the exarch and Ravenna. A climactic moment in the founding of the Papal States was the agreement over boundaries embodied in the king 's (728) to. Donation of Pepin. Main article: When the finally fell to the Lombards in 751, the Duchy of Rome was completely cut off from the Byzantine Empire, of which it was theoretically still a part. The popes renewed earlier attempts to secure the support of the.

In 751, had crowned king in place of the powerless figurehead king. Zachary's successor, later granted Pepin the title of the Romans. Pepin led a Frankish army into Italy in 754 and 756.

Pepin defeated the Lombards – taking control of northern Italy – and made a gift (called the ) of the properties formerly constituting the Exarchate of Ravenna to the pope. In 781, codified the regions over which the pope would be temporal sovereign: the Duchy of Rome was key, but the territory was expanded to include Ravenna, the, parts of the, and a number of Italian cities. The cooperation between the papacy and the Carolingian dynasty climaxed in 800, when crowned Charlemagne Emperor. Relationship with the Holy Roman Empire. See also: The precise nature of the relationship between the popes and – and between the Papal States and the – is disputed.

It was unclear whether the Papal States were a separate realm with the pope as their sovereign ruler, merely a part of the over which the popes had administrative control, as suggested in the late-9th-century treatise, or whether the Holy Roman Emperors were vicars of the pope (as a sort of Archemperor) ruling Christendom, with the pope directly responsible only for the environs of Rome and spiritual duties. Events in the 9th century postponed the conflict. The Holy Roman Empire in its Frankish form collapsed as it was subdivided among 's grandchildren. Imperial power in Italy waned and the papacy's prestige declined. This led to a rise in the power of the local Roman nobility, and the control of the Papal States during the early 10th century by a powerful and corrupt aristocratic family, the. This period was later dubbed the ('dark age'), and sometimes as the 'rule by harlots'.


In practice, the popes were unable to exercise effective sovereignty over the extensive and mountainous territories of the Papal States, and the region preserved its old system of government, with many small countships and marquisates, each centred upon a fortified. Over several campaigns in the mid-10th century, the German ruler conquered northern Italy; crowned him emperor (the first so crowned in more than forty years) and the two of them ratified the, by which the emperor became the guarantor of the independence of the Papal States. Yet over the next two centuries, popes and emperors squabbled over a variety of issues, and the German rulers routinely treated the Papal States as part of their realms on those occasions when they projected power into Italy. As the worked to free the administration of the church from imperial interference, the independence of the Papal States increased in importance.

After the extinction of the, the German emperors rarely interfered in Italian affairs. In response to the struggle between the, the made official the independence of Papal States from the Holy Roman Empire in 1177. By 1300, the Papal States, along with the rest of the Italian principalities, were effectively independent.

The Avignon Papacy. The, papal residence and home to the civil offices of the Papal States from the until their annexation Renaissance During, the papal territory expanded greatly, notably under the popes. The pope became one of Italy's most important secular rulers as well as the head of the Church, signing treaties with other sovereigns and fighting wars. In practice, though, most of the Papal States was still only nominally controlled by the pope, and much of the territory was ruled by minor princes. Control was always contested; indeed it took until the 16th century for the pope to have any genuine control over all his territories. Papal responsibilities were often (as in the early 16th century) in conflict. The Papal States were involved in at least three wars in the first two decades., the 'Warrior Pope', fought on their behalf.

Reformation. The began in 1517. Before the Holy Roman Empire fought the Protestants, its soldiers (including many Protestants), as a side effect of battles over the Papal States. A generation later the armies of King defeated those of over the same issues. This period saw a gradual revival of the pope's temporal power in the Papal States. Shortwave 2017 movie. Throughout the 16th century virtually independent fiefs such as Rimini (a possession of the Malatesta family) were brought back under Papal control. In 1512 the state of the church annexed Parma and Piacenza, which in 1545 became an independent ducate under an illegitimate son of.

This process culminated in the reclaiming of the in 1598, and the in 1631. At its greatest extent, in the 18th century, the Papal States included most of central Italy —, and the of, and extending north into the. It also included the small enclaves of and in southern Italy and the larger around in southern France.

Napoleonic era. Map of the Italian Peninsula in 1796, showing the Papal States before the changed the face of the peninsula. The affected the temporal territories of the Papacy as well as the Roman Church in general. In 1791 Revolutionary France annexed the. Later, with the French invasion of Italy in 1796, the Legations (the Papal States' northern territories ) were seized and became part of the. Two years later, French forces invaded the remaining area of the Papal States and General declared a (February 1798).

Fled to, and died in exile in Valence (France) in 1799. The restored the Papal States in June 1800 and the newly-elected took up residency in Rome, but the under invaded in 1808, and this time on 17 May 1809, the remainder of the States of the Church were annexed to France, forming the of.

Following the fall of the Napoleonic system in 1814, the officially restored the Italian territories of the Papal States (but not the Comtat Venaissin or Avignon) to Vatican control. From 1814 until the death of in 1846, the popes followed a policy in the Papal States. For instance, the city of Rome maintained the last in Western Europe. The Papal Ststes, in 1870, were the last countries to discontinue the practice of castrating young boys of musical promise, making them, who were in demand musically. There were hopes that this would change when (in office 1846-1878) succeeded Gregory XVI and began to introduce liberal reforms.

Italian unification. Bond of the Papal States, issued 9 December 1818. Had been stoked during the Napoleonic period but dashed by the settlement of the (1814–15), which sought to restore the pre-Napoleonic conditions: most of northern Italy was under the rule of junior branches of the and the, with the in Sardinia-Piedmont constituting the only independent Italian state. The Papal States in central Italy and the Bourbon in the south were both restored. Popular opposition to the reconstituted and corrupt clerical government led to numerous revolts, which were suppressed by the intervention of the army. The nationalist and liberal affected much of Europe, and in February 1849, a was declared, and the hitherto liberally-inclined had to flee the city.

The revolution was suppressed with French help in 1850 and Pius IX switched to a conservative line of government. As a result of the, Sardinia-Piedmont annexed Lombardy, while overthrew the Bourbon monarchy in the south. Afraid that Garibaldi would set up a republican government, the Piedmont government petitioned French Emperor for permission to send troops through the Papal States to gain control of the south.

This was granted on the condition that Rome be left undisturbed. In 1860, with much of the region already in rebellion against Papal rule, Sardinia-Piedmont conquered the eastern two-thirds of the Papal States and cemented its hold on the south. Bologna, Ferrara, Umbria, the Marches, Benevento and Pontecorvo were all formally annexed by November of the same year. While considerably reduced, the Papal States nevertheless still covered the and large areas northwest of Rome.

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The Breach of Porta Pia, on the right, in 1870. A unified was declared and in March 1861, the first Italian parliament, which met in, the old capital of Piedmont, declared Rome the capital of the new Kingdom. However, the Italian government could not take possession of the city because a French garrison in Rome protected Pope Pius IX. The opportunity for the Kingdom of Italy to eliminate the Papal States came in 1870; the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War in July prompted Napoleon III to recall his garrison from Rome and the collapse of the at the deprived Rome of its French protector.

King at first aimed at a peaceful conquest of the city and proposed sending troops into Rome, under the guise of offering protection to the pope. When the pope refused, Italy declared war on September 10, 1870, and the Italian Army, commanded by General, crossed the frontier of the papal territory on September 11 and advanced slowly toward Rome. The Italian Army reached the on September 19 and placed Rome under a state of siege. Although the pope's tiny army was incapable of defending the city, Pius IX ordered it to put up more than a token resistance to emphasize that Italy was acquiring Rome by force and not consent. This incidentally served the purposes of the Italian State and gave rise to the myth of the, in reality a tame affair involving a cannonade at close range that demolished a 1600-year-old wall in poor repair. Pope Pius IX ordered the commander of the papal forces to limit the defense of the city in order to avoid bloodshed. The on September 20, 1870.

Rome and what was left of the Papal States were annexed to the Kingdom of Italy as a result of a the following October. This marked the definite end of the Papal States. Despite the fact that the traditionally Catholic powers did not come to the pope's aid, the papacy rejected any substantial accommodation with the Italian Kingdom, especially any proposal which required the pope to become an Italian subject. Instead the papacy confined itself (see ) to the and adjacent buildings in the loop of the ancient fortifications known as the, on. From there it maintained a number of features pertaining to sovereignty, such as diplomatic relations, since in canon law these were inherent in the papacy.

In the 1920s, the papacy – then under —renounced the bulk of the Papal States, and the with (then ruled by the under ) was signed on February 11, 1929, creating the, forming the sovereign territory of the, which was also indemnified to some degree for loss of territory. Regional governors. Pose in 1869. As the plural name Papal States indicates, the various regional components retained their identity under papal rule.

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The pope was represented in each province by a governor, a number of styles arose;, as in the former principality of, or, and the; or, as in the former duchy of Pontecorvo and in the. Other titles like Papal, Vicar General, and several noble titles like 'count' or even 'prince' were used. However, throughout the Papal States' history many warlords and even bandit chieftains ruled cities and small duchies with no title bestowed by the Pope.

Papal Military Historically the Papal States maintained military forces composed of. Between 1860 and 1870 the Papal Army ( Esercito Pontificio in Italian) comprised two regiments of locally recruited Italian infantry, two Swiss regiments and a battalion of, plus artillery. In 1861 an international Catholic volunteer corps, called after a kind of French colonial native Algerian infantry, and imitating their uniform type, was created. Predominantly made up of Dutch, French and Belgian volunteers, this corps saw service against 's, Italian patriots, and finally the forces of the newly united Italy. The Papal Army was disbanded in 1870, leaving only the, which was itself disbanded on 14 September 1970 by, the also disbanded in 1970 and the, which continues to serve both as a ceremonial unit at the Vatican and as the pope's protective force.

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A small was also maintained, based at Civitavecchia on the west coast and Ancona on the east. With the fall of the Papal States in 1870 the last ships of the flotilla were sailed to France, whereupon they were sold on the death of Pius IX. See also. - When Austrian soldiers first set foot in Lombardy-Venetia in October, 1813, they were greeted everywhere as liberators and friends. In the spring of 1815, when Joachim Murat's efforts to establish a united Italy ended in miserable failure and when the Habsburgs announced the main features of the regime. The Provisional Austrian Regime in Lombardy–Venetia, 1814–1815.

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